agere + petre


-coming out

hello! welcome to this carrd with the explanation of what is age-regression (also called agere) and pet-regression (also called petre)!

(future Creator here: I am so sorry for the semi-literate. feel free to skip some stuff, as long as you're respectful about regressors! have a good day!)

Under this message you'll find buttons for both regressions, caregivers/handlers, types of regression, and a note at the bottom if you want to use this as a coming out, or if someone used this as a coming out! But please stick around to this message as it is important, thank you!

First of all, regression, as the name says, is when someone literally goes to a certain mindset, whether that be one of the regressions shown in the agere section or an animal mindset shown in the petre section. It is important to note that those people are not acting like either an animal or child. They are literally either an animal or child, depending what type(s) of regressor they are.

Why do folks regress?
check that in the questions below, I don't wanna make you read too much up here so you can check around other spaces!

Those regressors' identity may change while in that mindset. For example, someone who is a trans male using he/him pronouns and using the label vincian may identify as a genderless using she/they pronouns with no orientation labels while in their regressed mindset. It doesn't make them any less valid. They may also change names/pronouns while in their mindset, so please ask them.

Now that that's out of the way, down here will be some potential questions I believe are important to go over for both types of regression. Under these are buttons to different sections, and under that is an important note if you wish to use this to come out to someone or if someone is coming out to you with this! I will also put the color codes for the colors I use if you want.

Although I doubt anyone will see this, I made this to hopefully be a good resource if you need, and also include pet-regressors because often they are left out. Feel free to share this, and thank you for reading!

(PS: i'm sorry if this offended you in any way, i'm only following some sources and some personal experiences, so i'm sorry if not everything is 100% accurate.)

Question 1: Is it a k!nk/NSFW?
no! this is probably the most important question, this is very much not a k!nk, NSFW, or anything otherwise sexual. Being in these communities when regressed could potentially put the regressor in danger because often while regressed they are unable to consent to sexual activities. (this is an agere specific example because I can't think of how to put it for pet-regressors although it counts for them too; but a child cannot properly consent to sexual activity. an age-regressor is litterally in the mind of a child, therefore cannot properly consent either). Please do keep in mind that a lot of regressors prefer not to interact with k!nk-related communities.

Question 2: why do folks regress?
folks usually regress as a coping mechanism, possibly due to stress, mental disorders/neurodivergencies, trauma, etc.

Question 3: is every regressor both an age-regressor and pet-regressor?
nope! although some happen to be both an age-regressor and a pet-regressor, an individual can potentially only be a pet-regressor but not regress to a younger mindstate, or, like me, can only regress to a younger mindstate but not an animalistic mindstate.

Question 4: can one be a regressor and in the k!nk community?
One can be in both communitites, as long as they don't cross-tag them or share content in the wrong spaces. Remember regression is meant to be SFW/a coping mechanism.

Question 5: does every regressor know their little age/animal they regress to?
Not every age-regressor knows their specific age! Although i'm not sure if such case is the same for pet-regressors. I'll edit this when I find the answer!

coming out!
coming out as someone can be a scary thing. these communities are often frowned upon, and judged by those who can't understand them. if someone came out to you with this, I am asking you to please try to understand. I am aware this can be confusing, but please attempt to understand because not only is regression a coping mechanism (that is far healthier than some other ones out there) but sometimes regression is involuntary and cannot be controlled.

please click one of the two buttons, either to come out, or if someone has came out to you.

color codes I've used:
pink - #eca1d7
purple - #baa1ec
blue - #a1bbec


age-regression, also known as agere, is a term for when an individual's mind regresses back to a mindstate younger than they are. Those mindsets are usually toddlers, although as shown below they can include younger and older ages.

the headspace for age-regressors is called little space!

mindset ages
-Babyspace or Infantspace: headspace of a baby (usually no older than three)
-toddlerspace: headspace of a toddler (usually no older than 6/7)
-middlespace: headspace of a pre-teen (usually no older than 13)
-teenspace or teenagespace: headspace of a teenager (usually no older than 17)

I have to note often age-regressors regress to babyspace or toddlerspace, but some folks (i'm assuming adults) do indeed regress to a teenager mindset, and while it's far less common, it's valid too! Also note that some folks may regress to different ages when they regress (ex. one time they regress to a 3 year old and the next to a 7 year old). Their regressed age can be static or fluid.

inner child/therapy
The inner child is a part of the subconsious that hold emotions, beliefs, and memories from the past that have been repressed. Also sometimes called ones child-self. For the same reason, your inner child may hold childhood traumas, insecurites, neglect, etc which is why in some form of therapy, a patient has to get in touch with this inner child (basically guided into age-regression) for therapy purposes.

Question 1: so is it ageplay?
no! ageplay is a k!nk, agere is purely SFW.

Question 2: so is it all just unicorns and rainbows?
Although most agere content shows happy folks in their child mindset playing with toys, watching shows, etc, sadly that's not all agere is. Agere can be crying, being afraid, regressing after a stressful/scary/traumatic moment, and just needing someone to be there. It can be being exhausted after a long day, hours of napping, etc. Although it usually is fun, it's sadly not always the case.

Question 3: do I have to be all pastel pink, pink clothes, plushies, etc to be valid?
ofc not! again, most agere content shows pink things, stuffies, and glittery things, but every age-regressor is a valid age-regressor. For example, my agere aesthetic is some pastel blue and white with a bunch of different colored stuffies (Creator's note: I realized after this that I color-coded agere with blue, complete coincidence, I just needed some fitting colors and thought of pink, purple and blue lol), so you can be every color match! Black, white, purple, yellow, pink, blue, etc, they're all fun!

Question 4: is it exactly like a child?
no! although they regress back to that mindset, it's not exactly the same. for example, someone who regresses to a 4 year old, although they are back to that mindset, it's not the exact same as when they were biologically 4. (putting this here because when I came out to [insert anonymous here for privacy], I sucked my thumb after that because, well, no pacifier, and they told me to stop because "I didn't do that as a kid". It's not exactly the same as before, although it's very similar.)

Question 5: is it voluntary?
It depends! It can depend on both the regressor and the reason why the individual is regressing either in general or in that specific moment.


Important to note, a lot of this information came straight from the LGBTA wiki post since I am not a species regressor/pet regressor but wanted information as accurate as I could. For the same reason, this may not have as much information as the agere section.

pet-regression or species-regression, also known as petre, is a term for when an individual's mind regresses to an animalistic mindset. "This headspace is typically described as 'reverting to one's natural instincts' and it's typically done to relieve stress and to find escapism."
(-LGBTA wiki post)

the headspace for pet-regressors is called petspace!

Question 1: so is it patplay?
nope! petplay is a k!nk, petre is SFW.

Question 2: is it just an alterhuman/otherkin/furry thing?
while alterhumans/otherkin folks, furries and non-human system members can pet-regress, and those experiences may also overlap, the experience is not exclusive to them.

Question 3: what animals do species-regressors regress to?
they can regress to every animal out there, hence why it's also called species-regression! they may regress to one specific animal, but they can regress to many animals/be fluid between them and can be done by anyone.

'roles' and terminology
in this section you'll see the terminology in regression, as well as 'roles' in those communities!

-big age: age of the individual out of littlespace
-little age: age of the individual when regressed (remember not all age-regressors know their little age!)
-cglre(caregiver-little-regression) or sflre(safety figure-little-regression): when a caregiver or safety figure is taking care of a regressor
-(maybe new term? hpre (handler-pet-regression)?) [check handler in roles]

-little: age-regressor (!!! important note: !!! this word is also sometimes used in k!nk communities. Be careful.)
-pet: species-regressor or pet-regressor(!!! important note: !!! this word is also used in k!nk communites. Be careful.)
-caregiver (or CG for short): an individual who takes care of a regressor when they are regressed. not all regressors need/want a caregiver.
-safety figure (or SF for short): alternate term for caregiver or handler but only used in SFW means/not to be used in k!nk communities.
-handler: species-regression equivalent to a caregiver, this is not obligatory though, it is an alternate term made for pet-regressors who may not want to use caregiver or safety figure. use the term you want. (less used term)
-babysitter: more of a temporary/not official CG/SF for age-regressors.
-petsitter: more of a temporary/not official CG/SF/Handler for species-regressors.
-flip: someone who regresses and is also a caregiver/safety figure/handler/babysitter/petsitter. Sometimes also called switch but it's not recommended to call it as such since the term switch is mostly used within k!nk, NSFW, BDSM, and other sexual communities.

pure regression
regression shown online, happy kiddos, pacifiers, coloring, eating nostalgic food, watching cartoons, etc. can be voluntary or not

age or pet dreaming
a term where one's headspace doesn't quite fit the regression umbrella. "it is a diverse, individualistic experience, which is different for each person. the headspace is usually controlled by the individual and voluntary." Age or Pet dreaming is not related to any k!nk communities.
It is also called agedre or petdre.
examples include:
"-Those who behave as a little, while not actually regressing.
-Those who are always in littlespace, and therefore don't regress.
-Those who regress for fun.
-Those who do not fully regress (half-regression, demi-regression, etc).
-Those who have a headspace or way of regressing that does not fit the typical age-regression that individuals expect."
-LGBTA wiki post (remember, age-dreaming is different for all age dreamers and may not fit of the examples above!)

"-Those who behave as an animal, while not actually regressing.
-Those who are always in petspace, and therefore don't regress.
-Those who regress for fun.
-Those who do not fully regress (half-regression, demi-regression, etc).
-Those who have a headspace or way of regressing that does not fit the typical pet-regression that individuals expect."
-LGBTA wiki post (remember, pet-dreaming is different for all pet dreamers and may not fit of the examples above!)

impure regression
although less talked about, this regression is still important to our mental health. it is the involuntary regression, to help cope with breakdowns, anxiety/panic attacks, PTSD flashbacks, depressive and psychotic episodes, etc. It can consists of crying, tantrums, ranting to stuffies, chewing on things, making animal sounds depending on what species you regress to, etc, to cope. it is a huge part of why agere /petre is a coping mechanism.

partial regression
partial regression, also called semi regression, demi-regression, or most commonly half regression, is when an individual does not entirely regress, usually when one is half in their non-regressed headspace and half in their regressed headspace. This usually mostly happens in age-regressors but can also happen in species-regressors.

pure regression:
pure regression (link)

age-dreaming and pet-dreaming:
-LGBTA wiki: age-dreaming (link) - pet-dreaming (link)
-Tumblr age-dreaming related account

impure regression:
-LGBTA wiki: impure regression (link)(!!! important note: !!! this takes on a different example of what is shown here, but I felt it could be added too)
-vampiirekid: impure regression (link)

partial regression:
-LGBTA wiki: partial regression (link)

I want to come out to someone as a regressor!
First of all, if you're checking this out as questioning to come out, or actually doing it, congrats! It takes quite the bravery. If you wish to explain to them go right ahead, but I understand coming out can be hard, so please, feel free to take your time.

Here's a way you can come out to them with this!
If you want to come out as an age-regressor, tell them to check the blue category, and if you want to come out as a pet-regressor tell them to go check the purple category! If you want to come out as both, tell them to use both.

Example of a way you could come out:
"Hey ______ I want to tell you something. Please stay open minded with this. Please check out the [color] category and the "someone came out to me" category after reading it a bit"

Remember coming out isn't mandatory and regardless of their answer, you are valid. Some people may be confused, some may hate, but please do not let that get to you. You matter.

someone came out to me as a regressor!